Monday, March 1, 2010

Definition of Plagiarism

American Culture

Definition of Plagiarism

I am going to describe my country’s rules about a writer’s citation of sources by answering the several questions. In my country, there has lots of citation such as a news, stories and books. In my opinion, they do not use the considered words in the property of the writer. They almost use easy words when they do a citation of sources and they almost do use the footnotes after the words of the source that where did they get the information. Sometimes, it could be a short summary of the news, stories and books and sometimes it could be an opinion of them. Actually, they do not usually use quotation marks. If there has any important words or represent sentences of the essay on the essay, then they do use on the sentence. And then, some of people might use a bibliography or list of references on the citation of sources, but, most of people do not use bibliography and list, because it is not too general and annoying to them.

Actually, I did not contact with many of essay which is related to plagiarism and citation in the United States and Korea, but according to my experience, Korea and the United States’ plagiarism and citation of sources are not very different. In my opinion, both countries many students are trying to avoid that is not plagiarism. Some of Koreans are often forget to copy the essay, news and books without citing the source, but, broken rule for citation is not a big deal, so it is not a big issue and problem in college, but in the United States, citing source is very important. If you do not citing source when you copy something, it may change as a plagiarism. So, when you copy someone’s essay or idea, you must citing the source and be careful.

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